• Cases
  • Press tour for Metinvest Group
Yulia Kovalenko
Yulia Kovalenko
senior event-manager
‘The agency had the task to surprise journalists once again. That’s why we decided to hold the press tour on the bank of the Dnipro River, in the preserved location, Selfish Country Club. Modernization concept smoothly blended into such type of eco-leisure in the historic and picturesque place. Alongside with the official part, the guests also participated in the workshop, morning and evening fishing at the Dnipro River. At the end of the event chef prepared all fish caught in the wood stove.’
Press tour for Metinvest Group

The press tour for Metinvest Group took place on September 8-9. The main topic of the event was ‘Modernization of production facilities at Iron and Steel Works of Metinvest Group in Mariupol.’


is a vertically integrated group of steel and mining companies that manages every link of the value chain, from mining and processing iron ore and coal to making and selling semi-finished and finished steel products. It has steel and mining production facilities in Ukraine, EU and the US, as well as a sales network covering all key global markets.