Monitoring and analytics

A new legislative initiative, a public crisis, making unpopular but necessary decisions, and much more can affect stakeholders' perceptions of your business.

The media field and attitude towards the company can change in a second. But if you monitor the situation, you will be able to react more calmly and quickly and minimize the consequences.

PR professionals make daily decisions about what messages to voice, how to respond to public statements by third parties, and what risks to be prepared for. The basis for such decisions is the actual data of the monitoring reports. It is essential that the information is verified, relevant, and easy to understand. This is exactly how we describe our monitoring and analytics services approach.

We have implemented more than 250 projects. Our clients appreciate us for the high quality and accuracy of analytics, individual approach, and promptness. MAINSTREAM monitoring and analytics come precisely when you need a clear picture to monitor the situation and make strategic decisions.





What we can do for you:

1. Daily monitoring

  • Tracking of the public field of the specialized industry
  • Tracking mentions by keywords
  • Overview of the economic and political situation in the country following the client’s interests
  • Monitoring the activity of competitors in the public field
  • Picture of the day in Ukraine for international companies
  • Understanding the situation in the country of the company’s operation
  • Alert – operational notifications about crises

2. Social media monitoring

  • Tracking of social media, blogs, forums, reviews, messengers
  • Gathering information 24/7
  • Alert – operational notifications about crises
  • Individual assessment and analysis of publications by specialists
  • Analytics of social media

3. Comprehensive monitoring of the reaction to key statements and events

  • Tracking mentions of speakers, companies, brands
  • Detailed statistics on regions, media types, number of mentions
  • Assessment of the impact of the event's agenda on the public sphere
  • A picture of the resonance in the media field of the company's statements and messages

4. Content analytics

  • Evaluation of the communication field of the company and/or competitors
  • Manual filtering of monitoring for relevance, compliance with tasks
  • Marking the tonality of publications
  • Selection of the most important publications for further ranking and formation of comprehensive statistics
  • Proofreading and creation of the report by analytical specialists

5. Analytical note

  • Prompt analytics of the public reaction to the high-profile statements or events
  • Tracking the impact of various factors on media coverage
  • Convenient data presentation format with tables and diagrams
  • Professional approach to data analysis
  • Saving time for making the necessary decisions

The MAINSTREAM analytical database includes over 20 thousand sources.

The monitoring platforms include Ukrainian and international print and online media, radio, TV, social media, instant messengers, review sites, and much more.

Over 20 years, our clients have been Ukrainian and international companies: YASNO, Ukrnafta, MTIBU, EastOne, Roshen, Vitmark, EVA, HONOR, StarLightMedia, Turkish Airlines, Victor Pinchuk Foundation.

Get a free consultation on the possibilities of monitoring and analytics from MAINSTREAM experts. 

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