MAINSTREAM agency has won the tender for PR services for the Energy Efficiency Cluster of GIZ Ukraine.
We will be working as a virtual press office of the company, conducting monitoring and dealing with social networks.
GIZ has been working on behalf of the German Government since 1993 to support Ukraine’s transition process.
The current priorities of German-Ukrainian cooperation are:
- good governance
- energy efficiency
- sustainable economic development
Cooperation work outside these priority areas includes HIV/AIDS prevention and the effective long-term management of the situation in the east of the country, which focuses on strengthening the capacities of local communities hosting internally displaced people.
At present, GIZ in Ukraine operates on behalf of five German Federal Ministries.
Additionally, we work for:
- The European Union (EU)
- The UK Aid from the UK Government
- The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO).
- Together with the partners, GIZ is promoting EU approximation and the reform process in Ukraine.
We also contribute our experience with German business and administrative bodies. We plan and implement projects together with our Ukrainian partner, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. In this way GIZ is able to combine the strengths of the different partners.
GIZ in Ukraine currently employs about 290 national and 55 international staff at around 20 locations.
There are also 30 integrated and returning experts operating directly in Ukrainian governmental bodies and in the country’s chambers of commerce and industry, universities and NGOs, from where they liaise closely with the projects. Flexibility in the use of experts is one of GIZ’s major strengths.