CSR 4.0
  • You have announced your plans to build a factory, and the residents are already protesting.
  • Young employees are reluctant to work for you, and money is flowing away with your workforce.
  • Officials ignore the interests of your enterprise.
  • Your initiatives as a manager are either ignored or sabotaged.
  • Shareholders are not happy with conflicts around and within the company.

Does any of it ring a bell? It means the value of your company is not clear to the public. Let's change it.

What we offer?

CSR 4.0 model is a proprietary model of building corporate social responsibility programs.

Within a month, we will provide you with a full understanding of your key activity areas and an action plan to achieve your goals.

A sustainable business strategy drives the CSR 4.0 model. It allows measuring the benefits after the first year of use.

Our agency developed it for industrial and manufacturing enterprises.


Our CSR 4.0 model is a set of tools for six areas: social, education, health, environment, culture, and science.

If you don't have a CSR program, CSR 4.0 will help you shape it following global practices and in-depth analysis of business strategy. If you do have one, CSR 4.0 will enhance it.

  • Revenue growth. Companies that invest in CSR increase product value by 20%.
  • Strong HR brand. Companies improve employee performance by up to 13% and reduce employee turnover by up to 50%.
  • Trust. Developed relationships with local communities, officials, and partners.
  • The reputation of a productive and progressive leader.

Get a free consultation on the possibilities of CSR from MAINSTREAM’s experts.

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